Caribbean Media Resources

Healthy Caribbean Coalition


One Caribbean Media is now a member of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition.

The Healthy Caribbean Coalition is a civil society alliance formed to combat chronic diseases. The alliance was established following a Caribbean civil society led conference on chronic diseases, entitled Healthy Caribbean 2008.

If you wish to obtain further information on the organisation’s activities, you are invited to visit their website:


Consensus Action on Salt and Health Newsletter

World Action on Salt and Health recently reported that the UK government’s health advisory agency, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published the report ‘Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level’ .

The guidance endorses an urgent reduction in salt intake and in the longer term, a reduction in the UK’s salt target from 6g a day to 3g a day by 2025.

Please visit the HCC website at to view the most recent Newsletter of the Consensus Action on Salt and Health.

“This newsletter has much useful information and gives an indication of progress being made in the UK with efforts to reduce salt. Surveys in the UK are evidently showing some very encouraging reactions from the food industry”.

This is a highly recommended publication of significant relevance and applicability to the Caribbean.

Healthy Caribbean Coalition